I've been feeling pretty down on myself lately.
I didn't know what I was thinking trying NaNoWriMo.
Four kids to raise, a baby during the day,
end of quarter conferences, meetings,
laundry, dishes, broken down vehicles,
messy house, homework and errands. Oh my!
My chronic pain is through the roof.
I haven't had time to blog in days.
Why did I think I could do NaNoWriMo?
Like every year, I began to feel like a failure.
The feeling sucks. I was folding. Giving up.
Then I was doodling as I tend to do,
when I realized something.
Failing and falling are only one letter away from each other.
I thought about that.
Failing has such negative connotations.
No one wants to fail.
I certainly don't want to be considered a failure.
What about falling?
If someone is falling we try to catch them.
We create a soft landing.
We help them up.
We care.
We are gentle and concerned wanting to know if they are okay.
I changed my perception.
I am not failing, I am falling.
I am having a hard time and I need help.
I am changing my internal dialog.
I am choosing positive words,
treating myself like I would others.
No more knocking myself down and folding.
I will pick myself up and dust myself off.
My perception about my challenge has changed.
I may not make it to 50,000 words in 30 days.
I am realizing my physical disorder may not allow it.
I will make it the 30 days (and beyond).
If I complete the time and I complete the words,
I have accomplished NaNoWriMo
regardless of what the RuLeS say.
I will not give up.
I will succeed.
I am off to write, play and live!
How has your internal dialog been treating you lately?
Need a little help?
You are beautiful, you are amazing, you are valuable, you are loved.