Looking across my brown, dead, dry, drought stricken lawn, I spotted this beauty basking in the sun.
I dare you to call it a weed! I see a glorious flower! An opportunist! A survivor! Alive! |
Growing can be uncomfortable.
Nothing fits quite right.
Intrusive growing pains.
Feeling awkward.
Not sure what to expect.
Emotions all over the map.
Saying goodbye to the old and hello to the new.
Learning to accept the new you while saying goodbye to the old.
I see my children going growing through change all the time.
They are growing up.
It is my job to be there for them.
Support them. Embrace them.
Teach them to accept and love themselves every step of the way.
I now see myself growing through change as well.
Spiritually and mentally.
I am learning it is my job to be there for myself as well.
To accept and love myself every step of the way.
Sometimes it feels awkward, uncomfortable, even hard.
Change is hard. Change is scary.
Sometimes it is absolutely necessary.
As I tear off the old ragged layers and snuggle into the new
I am finding comfort and beauty and happiness.
Lots of growing pains going on at my house.
With each new stretch of growth comes glory.