Tuesday, September 20, 2011


I've been wanting to share something dynamic lately.
A brilliant thought.
Some groundbreaking news.
A vision so amazing you have to blink and look again.

My thoughts swirl and twirl lately.
I have so much on my mind
yet when I come to this place of sharing
I am left with what feels like wide open space.

Everything comes to mind.
Nothing comes to mind.

Do you ever have times where you just can't seem to reign in your thoughts?
What do you do to remedy the situation?
or do you just go with it?


John said...

Don't try and then these wonderful thoughts pop out when you leats expect it. Of course with me they pop in and out again just as quickly so a pen and paper may come in handy.....

Elena said...

Cool pic! Love Cool Dude down below! Look at those eyes! All that stuff coming to mind...jot it down in small notebook so it won't be lost and clears the log jam.

Glenn Stenson said...

Let it flow. Bathe yourself in everything and nothing. Be dazzled by the bubbles of the wide open. Soak it all in and you will birth to dynamic brilliance when the time comes.

Jennifer Richardson said...

I breathe.
I just breathe and wait
and let the ground rest
and go fallow,
knowing something beautiful
will push up through the soil
when it's ready to be born.
(oh who am I kidding....that's
what I want to do. Honestly,I fret)
But eventually I breathe.
You can never go wrong
with air:)

Jan said...

What Jennifer said works for me. Deep cleansing breaths and some quiet time. Your thoughts might be like the tide, flowing in and flowing out but always returning. I hope you can grab them when you need them.

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