Tuesday, May 24, 2011

A Stormy Week

The weather this past week has been very interesting.
We have seen blazing sunshine, hail, high winds,
massive downpour associated thunderstorms,
humidity, cold nights and more.

Up the street from us sits a little house.
At that little house they had a little sale.
Many days before, during and after that sale,
in all that crazy weather,
sat a little fish on a big dresser.

He survived a week of severe storms and hot sun.

The kids and I felt quite bad for the little fella.
He was for sale without a buyer.
They had named him Butthead.
Now he was literally homeless.
He was going to be sent off to a pet store
when they got around to it.

Every day the kids worked on me.
"Mommy, it's sooooo sad."
"Honey, Mommy doesn't need ANOTHER animal to take care of."
"But mommy, he needs a home."
"I know but maybe someone will come and save him."
"Mommy, it should be us."
"Ugh! I feel awful, but it's not a good idea."


Yesterday I woke up to a campaign to save the fish.
I had tucked the kids into bed the night before
thinking they went straight to sleep.
Now I know otherwise.
I headed down the stairs and found this.
As I headed toward their room I saw this...
I arrived at their bedroom door to find this...
On their floor was this...
They must have hit a point of exhaustion
as the sign was not finished or hung.

I credited them for their care and creativity and got them ready.
Off to school with my fish militia.

Great. Now they've got me.
I dug through my purse and found $10.
I marched up to the house, knocked on the door,
woke a man covered in tattoos and made my offer.
It's all I had.
"No thanks" was the answer I received.

Kids came home from school.
I told them it was a No Go.
Second born scrounges another $5 of his own money.
Heads back up to the house.
Perhaps he hit their magic number.
Perhaps they fell for his pleas.
Perhaps they thought it would save them a trip to the pet store.
Whatever the reason, the mission was a success.
Into the bathroom with this fella.
He was in desperate need of house cleaning.
Yup. He's in there.
Look far left.
We found some extra food in our supply.
Cleaned him, fed him, found him a spot in the boy's room.

Meet Stormy (a.k.a. Storm)!!!
I am such a sucker!


Elena said...

LMAO!! I just LOVE your kids! I was getting ready to email you that I would send money to save the poor little fish when I saw those signs. HA! HA! how could you not after that. SOOOOO hilarious and well placed. And those sad eyes on the fish drawing...priceless. I hope you save those for them. And love those smiles on their faces. Too cool. Hugs fish angel.

John said...

what a wonderful story and a beautiful fish. You must be so proud of your children.

beth said...

a sucker with a huge heart !!!

hi fish. welcome to your new world. you are very lucky to be surrounded by kids who love you. ps. so does their mom. she just might not be as vocal about it as much as they are :)

Jeannine said...

Such a great story! I love their persistence and creativity. Such a lucky fish!



Yea!!! So glad you saved him. When (if) the time comes to promote my book I'm hiring your kids to lead the campaign! They are pros!

Laura said...

Aww, I love that you gave in and the kids got the fish. Look out future world, Lucy-lynn has taught her children to go after what they want and their missions will be future success stories in blogger land. GO KIDS!!!

Dana Barbieri said...

oh man, they are determined children. what good hearts they have and you too!
good luck with stormy. :)

Jess said...

Oh, how I love this post! Your kiddos must have worked and worked on those signs until they passed out. Even better that you tried and failed in your attempt to acquire the fish... so that they could come out victorious! So much awesome here!

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