Wednesday, February 23, 2011

Testing... 1...2...3..

The new year has brought many challenges.

From relationships to finances to family security.

I thought perhaps I had chosen the wrong word of the year.

Perhaps it should be

Then I realized the universe is testing me.
My word.
Amidst the challenges I must keep focus.
My beautiful daughter was born with poor vision.
What the doctors describe as legally blind.
With strong prescription lenses
her vision is brought to normal.
Every morning upon waking
she reaches for her glasses
as the world is just a blur
without them.

There is never a fuss nor a fret.
Not a worry in that pretty little head.
She puts on the glasses
and carries on.

My mind's eye must have been born legally blind.
Thoughts stumble and wander aimlessly around
finding it impossible to focus.
I look at my daughter and find inspiration.
A simple correction of vision.
Acceptance for what is.
Focus and carry on.

Monday, February 21, 2011


Here we go.
You and me, Monday.
We really need to have a talk.

What's with the grey skies and freezing rain...

Are you unaware of the length of my 'to-do' list?

What if we cut a deal?
I will do my best to be the sunshine today
if you will simply be gentle with me.


Happy Sunny Monday To All My Fellow Bloggers!!!

If you don't have sunshine in your area
I challenge you to be the sunshine today!
Double Dog DARE!

Today, give a stranger one of your smiles.  It might be the only sunshine he sees all day.  ~Quoted in P.S. I Love You, compiled by H. Jackson Brown, Jr.

What's on your 'to-do' list today? I have already knocked off a few items! Perhaps I will count this blog post as my "me" time and mark off a third! Perspective Baby.

Friday, February 18, 2011


Been feeling so uninspired lately.
So much crazy going on in the world around me,
both near and far.
All of my energy goes toward remaining positive.
Not allowing any left over for creative.

My mind has been blank
and my feelings close to the same.
Perhaps I am shutting down and reserving.
Perhaps I am lying in wait of something big.

I did manage to eek out an encaustic piece.

I still have zero confidence in myself
and know my attitude keeps me from growing or succeeding.
Instead I am surviving.
I am quite sick of that existence.
I don't want to simply survive any longer. 

What the hell is missing?
What stops me?

I have a fun weekend planned and will keep these questions in the back of my mind.
Perhaps if they stew there long enough, they will manifest into an answer.

I apologize for this random vomit of thought.
Haven't been posting much due to the thoughts and feelings I have been experiencing lately.
Guess I'm just being real today.

I am going to end this post with some very inspirational quotes in hopes that they reach someone else who needs to read them as badly as I do.

Happy Weekend To You.

When I stand before God at the end of my life, I would hope that I would not have a single bit of talent left, and could say, "I used everything you gave me."  ~Erma Bombeck

The purpose of life is a life of purpose.  ~Robert Byrne

If you hear a voice within you say "you cannot paint," then by all means paint, and that voice will be silenced.  ~Vincent Van Gogh

I wish I was a glow worm,
A glow worm's never glum.
'Cos how can you be grumpy
When the sun shines out your bum!
~Author Unknown

Wednesday, February 16, 2011

Patiently Waiting

covers of white
patiently waiting

sun warms
snow melts

stretches of green
blooms burst

spring has sprung

~ • ~ ~ • ~ ~ • ~ 
The first year we moved into our home I planted crocus bulbs below the bay window.
One can never tell when spring has truly sprung
unless one listens to Mother Nature.
She is the surest sign. 
The crocus is my little announcer.
Never failing to shout out the first signs of spring
and always doing so with such splendor of voice.

I have not witnessed the beauty of this year's blossoms
as of yet... but soon.
Very soon.
For now I will allow the crocus to lead
and I will act as he
and be patient,
for all good things
are worth waiting for.

Tuesday, February 15, 2011



How is it that something can suck and blow at the same time?
Do these words not have opposite meanings?
 Remember Henry from yesterday?
I could not bear to take a picture of what he has been reduced to.
When the kids arrived home yesterday to see him out there
headless and... well... pretty much everything-less...
they were sad.
Losing him so soon.
It totally sucks and completely blows.
See what I mean?

bumper sticker
I was thinking about our country and its issue with over-consumption and gluttony.
Then I thought of a new bumper sticker to replace
America The Beautiful.
How about...
America the Big and Full?
I know. Bad taste.

I often stand in line at the grocery store and imagine everyone as giant toddlers.
It makes me laugh so hard inside!
It also makes time fly.
Imagine if we were all toddlers acting on impulse and curiosity.
What if you turned around and just stared at the person behind you
or shouted whatever came to your mind.
"Why does her hair look so funny?"
What if the guy in front of you had an overwhelming urge to
scream out his frustration at wanting to exit the store in a more timely manner.
What if he just started yelling at the top of his lungs?
Sometimes I wonder what people would do if I just walked up and hugged them
or poked them
or grabbed things from their cart.

Perhaps I have exposed too much of my internal dialogue in this post.
Perhaps I am the only one who thinks these things.
Perhaps not.
What if we all let our quirkiness fly?
What if we let loose more often?
Found humor in life?

How about you? Any strange ponderings lately?
Don't be shy!

Monday, February 14, 2011

Love and Stuff

Happy Valentine's Day Lovelies!!!

We celebrated a day early.
Husband and I are nontraditional and tend to be very informal
and practical in our gift exchanging.
He gifted me a tea kettle.
I gave him an ax.
An ax.

For the kids it was chocolate hearts and a board game
followed by lots and lots of family time.
 Henry (see below) was born out of love this Valentine's Weekend.
Poor fellow. 
I fear with the oddly mild temps we're experiencing
he is doomed to Frosty's fate.
(his lack of arm was pre-meditated by my pre-teen)


A very happy Valentine's Day to you all!

Thursday, February 10, 2011


It's been random here lately. Random events going on, random thoughts running through my head, random people in and out, random schedule of blog posting.

More Random...

1. Oh my darling clementine.... I thought you were lost and gone forever...
then I found you at the bottom of the fruit bowl.
Yuck!!!! But kinda cool!

2.  I promised my teenager that if the Packers made it to the superbowl, I would build a snack stadium. At the time I didn't know what a snack stadium was, just that my husband and eldest were in love with them. After the Packers won the playoffs, I did my research, produced a stadium and literally ATE MY WORDS!!!! Yum!

3.  Mini-snowstorm out of nowhere. Was not predicted but gave us another five inches worth of shoveling to do. Oh my achy breaky back!

4. Random thoughts keep running through my mind such as... "I really need to make more money. Perhaps I could sell my soul to the devil... except I'm pretty sure the cat already stole it when I had a stare down with him last week."

5.  I've been receiving phone calls I don't normally receive and not receiving phone calls I normally would. Could it be the moon?

6. My dreams are trying to tell me something lately but they forgot to add the interpreter!

7.  You really must check out a very generous and special opportunity to win the gorgeous print pictured below. Head over to the artist's blog HERE to find out how to enter the drawing.

Wednesday, February 9, 2011

Roller Coaster

Roller Coaster

slow start
head uphill
gaining sight
cresting peacefully


down, down, down
faster faster
up down all around 
loops spin so fast you feel you'll lose your head
straight runs 
you catch your breath

what a ride!
you scream
you cry
you throw your arms in the air with glee

up down
all around
 what a thrill
leaving you wanting more

in the end you know
you had but one ticket to ride


enjoy the ride

Friday, February 4, 2011


Looking for something different?
Looking for change?
Are you bored and trying to spice up your life?
Perhaps you are stuck in a rut and not sure how to escape.
Is your situation less than desireable?
Do you wish you were treated differently than you are?
You can change your life drastically with one little word.


One of my favorite parts of motherhood is learning from my children.
Lennon (the cat) was playing in the kitchen the other day.
He was batting around two of his favorite toys.
Pipe cleaners and hair bands.
Inevitably they end up piled in a corner or lost under an appliance.

On this particular day, as I was cooking supper, 
he proceeded to bat his collection into a pile at the edge of the room.
He was busy amusing himself while I was stuck making meal #1,785,832.
My Princess Girl walks in the room.
She watches her beloved kitten for a while.
She then proceeds to walk in the next room continually observing Lennon.
As she passes from one room to the next she stops in her tracks,
studies his pile of toys and proclaims, "Lennon can spell!"

Unsure of what she was talking about
I walked to where she was standing
and looked at his toys from a different perspective.
Sure enough, that boy is smarter than I ever gave him credit for.
Lennon CAN spell!!!!

I learn so much from my children.
That day's lesson has stuck with me.
It opened my eyes to the possibility of changing a situation
simply by changing perspective.
I have been thinking about it for days now.
The word has potential to change so much!
Have a problem you haven't been able to solve?
Look at it from a new perspective.
Not happy with a situation?
Change your perspective.
Stuck in an artistic rut?
Get a new perspective!
Think of something that has been less than grand in your life lately.
Now turn it around and look at it in a different perspective.
What did you come up with?

Wishing you a weekend full of happiness and childlike wisdom.

Peace to YOU!

Wednesday, February 2, 2011

Snow Day

Can you say SNOW DAY?!!!!!!
(and to think we only received half the predicted inches!)

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