Thursday, January 28, 2010

I have not blogged in a while.
I always mean to.
But never do.
I think about it.
I analyze it.
I say I will.
I find excuses.
Is it the fear of failure?
Is it the fear of judgement?
Is it the lack of time? (which is legit by the way)
Or is it something else?
Considering I signed up to this deal on my own
for myself
by myself
with no intended reason or purpose and no real goal
I have come to the conclusion that it is myself I fear.
My self-judgement
my fear of failure
my fear of what others may think
my fear of being me
I am okay with me
but are others okay with me?
That question leads me to believe I am not as okay with me as I lead myself to think.
Now that's something worth pondering.
This post is dedicated to the person I see in the mirror every day of my life.
I vow to work harder at loving you for you.

Monday, January 18, 2010

Getting from point A to point B

How is one to get from Point "A" to Point "B" when c-z have decided to ignore their marching orders?

Seems as if my "to do" list grows like a weed and my efforts to complete items and cross off are simply fertilizer for the damned thing to grow! I start with "A" and intend on working on "B" when along comes "c","d" and "e". I tackle them and start on the now approaching "f" and "g" when I get bowled over by "h","i", "k" and "l". Hey, where the heck did "j" go?

Maybe "m", "n" and "o" can get me to "x", "y" and "z".

Err.... ummm..... or was I at "q" and "r"?

Great! Now I forgot where I was and have to go back to "A". Hopefully I can wrangle up "j" while I'm at it.

Are you feeling overwhelmed and confused now? That means I'm not alone ;)

(The preceding is a glimpse into the inner workings of my mind trying to deal with overload.)

Saturday, January 9, 2010

Snow Globes

A ritual I have with the little ones.

When we get one of those really pretty snowfalls
where the flakes are big and fluffy
and float around on their descend to earth,

we stand in front of the bay window
and put our hands out in front of us
making a round shape with our fingers and thumb.

This is our snow globe.

We shake the globe as we move it around,
then stop by framing in something from the background.
We take turns looking into each others snow globes to see what they contain.

Sunday, January 3, 2010

Oh Boy!!! So excited!!!

Oh how very lucky I am feeling today. I found a brilliant class to sign up for online. I have been looking for a local class to re-teach me Photoshop as it's been a long time since I have played. I am also seeking out a good photography class.

Yesterday I stumbled upon a class being offered online that not only allows me to learn and play in photoshop, but it is full of artistic women with a great eye for photography as well.

You really have to check this out! If you see this today, run on over to DJ Pettitt's site as today is the last day to sign up! I'm so excited and so blessed to have found the class before it closed.

I have followed her blog for quite some time now and am not sure how I almost let this wonderful opportunity pass me by.

Care to join me?

Saturday, January 2, 2010

Word of the year goes to....

I was thinking about resolutions for some time before ringing in the new year. First I thought, "Why bother? I never remember to keep one anyways."

Then I came up with a brilliant plan. "If I make a good dozen or so, maybe I'll actually keep one and feel like I accomplished something!"

Truthfully, I wanted to not only have some form of resolution but feel good working toward it. Instead of having a specific goal that seems so rigid for an entire year, I decided on having a New Year's Word.

I tossed several words around. Peace is always a good one. I want it in my life. I want it for the world. The world needs a lot more than me and my resolute year to reach it.

What about Happiness? Who doesn't want to be happy? Happy is good. No. That makes me feel like I am setting myself up to walk around with a false and cheesy smile all year.

Last year was a doozy for most people. Financially, physically, emotionally. There was much loss, many trying times. It was HARD. There were also many, many good times, beautiful memories created and up moments but I was definitely ready to bid 2009 good-bye.

As far as the new year? I have a really good feeling about 2010. It is going to be one heck of a good year! In honor of keeping that feeling alive, I have chosen Positivity as my word for the year in all of its glorious forms.

Positive attitude
Positive life
Positive energy
Positive outlook
Positive feelings
Positive bank account ;)
Positive results
Positive health
Positive abundance
Positive family
Positive self-image
Positive self-care
Positivity in my creativity
Positively positive
Positive year

(pictured here is my positively healthy start to a positively brilliant day!)

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