Saturday, December 12, 2009

Time with the fam

Ever feel so busy
you feel as if you do everything
but have time to finish nothing?

Ever feel like an octopus
being pulled in eight directions at once?

Ever get so overwhelmed
your body kicks into pain or sick mode
just to slow your stubborn butt down?

dirty deeds
oh my!

That's been my life lately.

I took leisure time
to sip coffee
with my man

and make
homemade pizza
with the fam


Picture below from
Please click on the link below
to find out how to purchase this awesome book!!!
I cannot get enough of it!!!
Pizza dough recipe on page 84Dough: Simple Contemporary Bread
by Richard Bertinet

p.s. How is it that teenagers are so very illusive? He was right there with us making his pizza, cooking, cutting and eating. Pull out the camera and (zoooom) he's gone!

1 comment:

G-Pride Farm said...

Pizza looks so good, wish I were enjoying it with you's. Glad you took the day just to hang with the family. Does a heart and mind good. Hope you get the chance to do this more often, elimiate your stress. God Bless you all this holiday season and into the new year and always.

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